
Great stuff on the interweb - Maths and Queen merged!

I've been off ill the past two days (after three: one; two; three - aaawwwwwhhhhh), but I've been trying to spend the bits when I haven't been asleep vaguely productively, which means a certain amount of interweb searching on various mathematical topics. Yesterday evening, Emma (of Challenge That!*) IM-ed me** the link to the following Youtube video. If you're a Queen fan, it's a good way to spend the next six minutes and four seconds of your life. If you're a maths fan, it's an excellent way to spend the next six minutes and four seconds of your life. If you're a maths fan and a Queen fan, make sure you've got your leak-free underwear on, and then it's an essential way to spend the next six minutes and four seconds of your life!#

Oh yes; don't forget to head over to Mathsqs to ask your maths related questions!

I present to you............ Calculus Rhapsody!

* She is also, of course, my girlfriend. But a little free publicity doesn't go amiss, does it? It's a relevant blog anyway.
** From the living room, two floors below me at the time. We like to keep our relationship dynamic.

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