
Mmm, beer

This is just a small part of the ceiling of one of the pubs that I appear to be becoming a regular at. Possibly Northamptonshire's foremost beermat collection.

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  1. They're not beermats, they're pump clips. It's an important distinction, but one often missed by beer AMATEURS.

    * is practically exploding with smugness at outgeeking you twice in one day *

  2. Some of them are pump clips, but the majority are beermats as far as I can tell. They're all over the ceiling and all up the walls.

    And beermat/pumpclip differentiation is not geekery. It's Iworkinapub-ery, which is entirely different.

    I write an astronomy blog = geektrump.

  3. I can't see a single beermat in the picture you posted. Maybe you just picked a dodgy spot... :P

    And I work in a pub BECAUSE I'm a beer geek. I get PAID for my geekery :P

  4. What's the difference, then?

    I teach maths. I get paid for my geekery too. I make about 4p every three weeks from Blogstronomy too, if that counts.


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