
Blogstronomy hits 100!

Not mine... click for originator
Yesterday, Tuesday 10th August 2010, my astronomy blog, Blogstronomy received 104 visitors. That might not sound like a lot, but it's the first time it's had a hundred visitors in one day, so I'm pretty pleased with it!

It's a small milestone, but I'd like to take the opportunity to do two things:

1. It can't work without you!
Blogstronomy's main aim is to bring the science of astronomy to a wider audience by answering those space-y themed questions that might pop into your head. Sometimes you're not sure whether the questions are silly or obvious, or you might feel odd contacting some random stranger on a website... Please believe me when I say that whatever your question it is not silly or obvious, and someone else is thinking the same thing. I want your questions: I'm frequently surprised by the things I'm asked because they're often things I wouldn't even think of writing about, and I love being surprised in that way.

So please keep asking questions! There are a number of ways you can do so:

Of course, if you know me in any other way feel free to ask a question any way you see fit!

2. It can't work without you!
Still not mine... click for originator!
Your questions tell me what people want to know about space, astronomy and related areas of maths and science. I'm trying to attract people who want to know more about those things, and I'm not working to a list, curriculum or work scheme, so your questions help to give me a focus. So:
  • If you subscribe or visit regularly, thanks!
    Please keep doing so, and I hope you'll start to comment on the posts that interest you, and maybe even ask some questions if any come to you.
  • If you've asked a question, double-thanks!
    You're directly influencing what happens with this blog; please carry on! Please comment and let me know what you think of my answers to your questions, and feel free to ask me to clarify anything that needs it, or ask any other questions that arise from my response!
Whoever you are, if you like what you read, please, please, please refer this Blogstronomy to anybody you know who might be interested. If you do this, hopefully I can have more questions coming in, and more answers being posted. Questions, views and comments are all encouraging things and will let me know that you like what I'm trying to do, or what to change if you don't!

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Thanks for reading!