
Hello, Goodbye.

2012 was, for a number of people I know, an anus* horribilis.

It's been a year, as they all are, of endings, beginnings, and rather more middles than I'm entirely comfortable with. Friendships have begun, ended, reignited, and redefined themselves, just as they always do. There have been births, illnesses and deaths, just as there always are, and work has had its ups, downs, and back-to-fronts, just as it always does. Somehow, though, this year has arranged itself into a form that, to say the least, I'll be glad to see the back of.

So goodbye, 2012, and good riddance.

Not a single aspect of my life has been left unchanged from one end of 2012 to the other. Some for the better, some for the worse, and some... are too new to understand the impact yet.

Hello, 2013. How can you be of service?

I'm not going to make any resolutions because I just don't keep to them. There are some things I want to achieve, though. Things like happiness at work, some kind of social life and the usual ongoing intellectual progression. I want to find time to read, time to write, time to shoot and time to stare at the sky. I want to spend time with friends, and figure out which friends are the ones who want to spend time with me.

I'd really, really like for a few people I know to be given a break, and have a much better 2013 than the 2012 they've been dished out, and I really hope that everyone reading this has a great and mostly positive 365 day adventure lined up ahead of them!

How about you? What do you want from 2013?

* No, that's not a typo, or even an honest mistake. It's been a real arsehole of a year.


  1. Happy New Year, Tom!

    2012 was the best year of my adult life. No mincing words, it just was. Perhaps because of that, 2013 starts with a lot of uncertainty. I need to front-load a lot of work, so maybe I can find myself as happy as I am a year from now. Generally, I look forward to the challenge - it will be a year of much change.

  2. It is strange how some years are completely shite, isn't it? 1989, 1992 and 2001 are my top 3 crappy years, but that's not too bad a strike rate out of 45 in my opinion.

    I'm sorry that 2012 wasn't good for you. For me personally, the 'downs' were far outweighed by the 'ups' and overall 2012 was a year that I look back upon with fondness.

    I stopped making New Year Resolutions donkeys years ago because failure to achieve them was just one more thing to be disappointed about. I prefer to just embrace the chaos.

    I hope that 2013 is better for you. If you're starting from an arsehole, the only way is up!

    All the best.

  3. Thanks, Carlos! I'm glad you've had a good year, and I hope 2013 follows suit. It will be a year of change for me too, in pretty much every area of my life. It's scary, but I hope that in the end it'll all turn out to be for the best. I'm sure we'll all rise to our respective challenges!

    Yes, Liz, some years just seem like they're not going to stop dishing it out, though I'd be lying if I said I'd started a Crappy Year Chart! I hadn't thought of it as being an upwards-from-arsehole year, so thanks for opening my eyes to that! Hopefully it'll be a good year for us all. Happy new year!

    1. Very nicely said.
      It's hard for me to express myself in English.
      But I try to learn from people like you.
      2012 was a pretty good year for me.
      2013 has not started so well, with one friend who needs surgery, and another friend who starts next Monday chemotherapy.
      But I try to stay positive.
      In any case, I hope that 2013 will be a better year for you.
      I wish you good health, happiness, a good job, and sociability in 2013.

  4. Thanks, Daan, I'm glad 2012 was good for you, and I hope 2013's false start leads into happier days. I hope your friends come through their ordeals safely.

    And it's hard for you to express yourself in English? As usual, you do it better than a lot of first-language English speakers do.


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