
Optimistic October: Day 24 - Priorities, Priorities

I don't know about you, but I'm really really busy at the moment, and it doesn't show any signs of letting up. Life seems to thunder by at a terrifying pace; deadlines fly at you from the darkness, and in some cases just keep going past, receding again into the distance.

I cannot get it all done.

But you know what? We don't have to. We can't get it all done, and we shouldn't bust a gut trying to. We have lives to lead. What's the point if we're working so hard all the time that we can't sit back and experience life every now and then.

Part of the challenge is working out what needs to be done, and what can be set aside if needed.

Of those things that need to be done, then who needs them to be done? Are they things that we have to do or can someone else get involved.

Even with those things that we alone can do, and need to be done, we still have some wiggle room:

  • What needs to be done to our absolute best standard?
  • What can be done to a lower standard?
  • And what's just, when it boils down to it, a box-ticking exercise and doesn't deserve our hardest and best work.
What matters? Hint: It's not always what other people tell you to prioritise. It's up to you.

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