
Optimistic October: Day 4 - Positive Ch Ch Ch Changes

Here's a real challenge for me. There are plenty of things that drive me quietly bonkers about society, but this is Optimistic October so I need to turn that on its head...

  • I'm working hard to reduce my consumption of single-use plastics and favouring the purchase of things that come with less packaging to throw away, regardless of its composition.
  • Rather than quietly seething when I experience people being racist, sexist, transphobic or generally intolerant of people, things and ideas that aren't in the slightest intolerable, I'm calling it out. I'm doing my best to let people know that that sort of thing is not something that I'm willing to tolerate, and I'm doing it in a polite, calm and civil manner.
  • I'm doing the best I can to be an ally to everyone who identifies somewhere (or nowhere) on the big, complicated and broad spectrum of humanity. If you're a decent person, I'm your ally.
  • I'm seeking out sources of positive news.
  • I will tackle head-on nonsense and ridiculousness of any type that has at least the potential for a negative effect on people, persons or peoples (whilst championing the friendly, harmless nonsense and ridiculousness that I enjoy so much).

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