
Books That Are About Maths, But Not About Teaching It

In the spirit of getting straight to the point without providing my entire life history, please click below for a list of books that are about maths, but not about teaching it. Read beyond the link if you'd like a bit of context.

Click here to see the list of Books that Are About Maths, But Not About Teaching It

The list has been put together at The StoryGraph[2]: it can be browsed without creating an account and it can be searched, sorted and filtered, which I thought would be helpful as there are over 160 books.

A couple of caveats:

  • Please be aware that these are not my personal recommendations, but those of a whole bunch of maths fans with different personalities, backgrounds, interests, motivations and mathematical qualifications and experience. I have made no quality judgements on these books; I haven't read most of them and I hadn't even heard of some of them; I am unable to comment on suitability against any criteria you may have.
  • The above is basically to say please do due diligence before parting with your hard earned cash, giving a book to a minor, or anything else which could feasibly cause problems or upset. 
  • Some of the recommendations I received have not made it onto this list for various reasons including but not limited to not being able to find the right book from the information provided (e.g. no author provided, no title provided, or because the book isn't listed in The StoryGraph's database).

With reference to the final point above, if you feel that something important is missing from the list, just let me know and I'm happy to add it. If you can send me a direct link to the correct book on The Storygraph that'll make things quicker and easier for me, but you can just let me know an author and a title and I'll add it when I get a mo. If there are any that you feel should be removed, please let me know (with an explanation as to why: if anything was suggested that I already knew was offensive I wouldn't have added it in the first place!).

If you feel the current list may lack representation for particular demographics, I agree with you and would very much appreciate being pointed toward some books I can add to help improve that situation.

In general, I don't see this as "finished" so any suggestions for improvements would be enthusiastically received and acted on given the favourable alignment of things like the amount of time I have and the amount of ability I have.

Why, though?

A few days ago I posed a message on various social media platforms for recommendations of books that are about maths but not about teaching it[1]:

I'm not used to things kicking off on the socials but I got considerably more responses than I was expecting. There were a couple of suggestions that a collated list might be useful, so that brings us up to date.


  1. I have nothing against teaching maths. Some of my best friends are maths teachers. Heck, I'm a maths teacher. But I like maths beyond the curricula I teach too, and asking for recommendations for maths reading often flings me into a bit of a busperson's holiday, y'know. [back]
  2. The StoryGraph is a service for keeping track of the books you read. It's similar to GoodReads but not owned by Amazon and returns deeper, more interesting and better presented stats from the reading data you provide (in my opinion, of course). If you have an account (or feel like creating one) feel free to connect with me there: I'm TeaKayB. [back]
  3. If you have an account with The StoryGraph you can add missing books and suggest corrections for existing ones.

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